
Thursday, 31 December 2015

.....HAPPY NEW YEAR.....!!!


Very Networks.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015


Hello Guys...!!!
How are your holiday break going? I have missed you my friends, yes you! I took an unannounced break due to circumstances that were so so inevitable, God has been so busy with me this period a mist all other things and by His grace my burdens are light now and i feel so excited coming back to you again, my apologies though.

By His grace i will be sharing some of my experiences on my series come next year. Thanks for your prayers, for your messages, inquiries and even calls God bless you all. My Prayer for you today and always is in Exodus 14:14...

Very networks..

Friday, 6 February 2015


Sometimes our mouths are sending out an S.O.S. while the next dentist appointment is still six months away. How do you know what can’t be ignored? Here are five symptoms that need to be checked out by a dental professional

A sore that isn’t healing

If you notice a mouth sore, a lump or a red or pale patch of skin on your tongue, cheek or gum, keep an eye on it for a couple of weeks. If it doesn’t go away, see your dentist ASAP. An earlier diagnosis of oral cancer means a much better chance of recovery. That’s why dental professionals should do a cancer screening at your regular visits, even if you haven’t noticed any symptoms. And you can check yourself at home once a month. Ask your dental care providers how to do a self-exam. “It’s not difficult to do,” says Mandy Hayre, Chair of Vancouver Island University’s Dental Hygiene Diploma Program. “It just takes a mirror and good lighting.”

Pain and swelling

If you have unexplained pain or puffiness in your mouth that persists for a couple of days, bite the bullet and call your dentist. It could be a sign of infection, decay, gum disease or a cracked tooth. Left untreated, these problems can worsen and even lead to tooth loss. Don’t delay, especially if the symptoms are disturbing your sleep. “You absolutely have to go to your dentist,” says Hayre.

A bad smell or taste in your mouth

Foul-smelling breath could be a consequence of that sliced onion you had on your lunch salad. Or it could mean you’re not looking after your teeth and gums properly, and there’s a build-up of bacteria. But sometimes bad breath signals other health problems like gum disease, sinusitis, throat or lung infections, tooth decay or an abscess. A bad taste in the mouth can also be a sign of an oral infection.

You may not realize your mouth smells rank. So if your spouse or partner comments on your bad breath, consider it a courtesy – and call your dentist’s office.

Loose tooth

Of course, a wiggly tooth is perfectly natural when you’re six years old. But when you’re forty-six, you need to see a dentist about it. “The number-one cause of loose teeth is gum disease,” says Hayre. And since gum or periodontal disease can cause tooth loss, it’s important to get your oral health back on track.

Occasionally, a loose tooth can be a sign of oral cancer. An accidental impact to your mouth can also loosen a tooth or two. Either way, you shouldn’t ignore a tooth that’s less than solid, because that’s not normal for adults.

Wisdom tooth symptoms

Is your third set of molars, also known as your wisdom teeth, giving you grief? If there isn’t enough space for them at the back of the mouth, they can become impacted. It’s a common problem that can have no symptoms at all. But sometimes impacted teeth cause tenderness, swelling and other symptoms.

Impacted or partially erupted teeth can attract a buildup of plaque and debris, and they may even cause a shift in the alignment of your other teeth. If you’re noticing soreness or swelling near your back molars, it’s important to have them checked. The earlier these troublesome teeth are removed, the smoother the recovery process.

If your mouth is generally feeling fine, your dentist will recommend a regular appointment schedule, such as every six months. But when it comes to certain signs and symptoms, you shouldn’t wait. Remember, most oral health problems have a better outcome when they’re, well, nipped in the bud.

Monday, 2 February 2015


What a way to start a week! Stephanie shared the following tips and i say why not! Lets strike out the negativity and start positive while leaving by these words. Have fun...

Love: Love is truly the greatest gift of all. Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. When love is your guiding light, you can break through barriers to be of loving service to the world.

Positivity: The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Think positive in every situation and surround yourself with optimistic people who would not draw you back. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.

Truth: Of all the traits the happiest people share in common, one outshines them all. In fact, without it, genuine happiness can’t exist. That trait is truthfulness. \Tell yourself the truth always and be truthful to others. Don’t be dishonest or put up with dishonest people.

Persistence:  Any great accomplishment that has ever been achieved has been brought about and made possible by an all important trait called persistence. The ability to hold on or to get back up after we have been knocked down is essential for us to achieve any real success, because there will be failures along the way and it’s how we deal with these failures that will determine the outcome of any endeavor that we undertake.

Appreciation: Instead of thinking about what you’re missing, think about what you have that everyone else is missing. When you express your approval or gratitude for something someone has done to you, you will not only enhance their lives, but you will enrich yours as well.  You will feel more fulfilled because you have done something to make someone else’s life better.

Stay positive and enjoy your week! 
Article from Stephaniedaily...

Sunday, 1 February 2015


Ever since i learnt this, my life is has  changed for the better so why don't you try it out if you are still struggling with pleasing everybody.
Life is short, so why waste it living like you have got eternity to live? It’s important as humans we live knowing we have this one chance to make the best out of life because the moment death calls, its all over.

I found these amazing tips I would love to share with you about getting the best out of life. Check them out below

1. PROCRASTINATION: why push till tomorrow what you can do today? You have got to understand someday is not a day of the week so you should do it today and don’t procrastinate. Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.

2. NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF: I just don’t get why you should doubt yourself, that’s something you should never do. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.

3. PEOPLE PLEASING: You need to stop trying to live your life pleasing others. If you are busy pleasing everyone, you are not being true to yourself. You have to realize in trying to please all, you would end up pleasing no one.

4. NEGATIVE THINKING: Negative thoughts would help you achieve big things. Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success so if you want to be successful, you should think positive.

5. FEAR OF SUCCESS: ironically for many people, the fear of success is much bigger than the fear of failure. Even though success could be more frightening than failure sometimes, but you have to overcome that fear. Sometimes these fears come up due to living up to the parental expectations, the slot that you were put in, and your place in the family constellation.

6. FEAR OF FAILURE: most people live life with that fear that they might never “make it” doing what they are passionate about and that they would never succeed if they try something new. Life is just too short to let it make big decisions for you. You have to realize it is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

7. NEGATIVE SELF TALK: When you talk negatively about yourself, you put a limit to what you can achieve in life and the worst thing one can do to oneself is talk negatively about yourself.

8. CRITICIZING OTHERS: some people would never see something good in what others do or what they do themselves and that’s so wrong. If we had no faults we should not take so much pleasure in noting those of others.

Like I said earlier, why live life like we have nothing to lose? Why live life without a purpose? Give your life a meaning today with these amazing tips.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

8 Benefit Of A Good Night Sleep

There are so many benefits a good sleep at night can give to us—not just our bodies but our minds as well.
People seem to take their sleep at night lightly; if you are one of those then you just have to read this.

Benefits of a good night sleep:

The way you wake up from sleep go a long way in affecting your concentration level all day; if you wake up at the back of a good night sleep then you would have a swell day at work or school, but if you wake on the wrong side of the bed like they say then your concentration level would be affected all day. A survey even found that a bad night sleep would leave you struggling all day.

Depression is a mood killer, and the way you sleep can either make depression set in or chase it far away. Lack of proper sleep can cause tiredness, frustration and unnecessary feeling of bitterness, anger and irritation. A survey found that nearly two thirds of people blame their lack of sleep anytime they feel irritable.

A better immune system means you are less likely to fall ill. A lack of sleep can suppress your immune system, which would make you vulnerable to all manners of infections.

People usually complain of how poor their sex life is; how can you have a good sex life when you can’t have a proper night sleep? Research upon research has proven that a lack of proper sleep would affect your sex life.

Sleep even goes a long way in affecting our brain. During deep sleep, the brain goes through our impressions of the day in a process vital to memory formation. Also, your mind which is surprisingly busy while you sleep can practise new skills learned during the day. So, for better memory, you need a better sleep.

A poor sleep would leave you receptive to negative emotions while a good night sleep would leave you feeling upbeat and energetic.

In addition to making your brain sharper as regards memory storage, a good night sleep would also leave you in a more creative state. Your brain appears to reorganize and restructure those memories while you sleep, and this can in turn lead to creativity.

Who doesn’t need a healthy heart? On the long run good night sleep can have healthy benefits on the heart compared to poor sleep. Research has discovered that that people who regularly get less than six hours sleep a night could be at greater risk of heart attack or stroke.

Remember the saying ‘early to bed, early to rise’. Scientists say 7-8 hours of sleep is the most appropriate, and over-sleeping is just as bad as not sleeping well.

Hope you all would aim for a better sleep tonight?